Required for MBA in USA, CANADA and selected universities in India, Australia and UK. Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline. Total score: 800. The test contains three sections: (1) Quantitative - Scale of 60; (2) Verbal - Scale of 60; and (3) Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) scale 0-6. Quantitative Ability section: There are 31 questions to be answered in 61 minutes. The questions can be broadly divided into 2 types. 1. Problem Solving: A Question is given and 5 answer choices are given. GMAT is expected to contain roundabout 17 such questions. 2. Data Sufficiency: A question is given and it is accompanied by two conditions, namely Condition (1) and (2). Select choice A, if condition (1) alone is sufficient to answer the question and condition (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Select choice B, if condition (1) alone is not sufficient, but condition (2) alone is sufficient. Select choice C, if conditions (1) and (2) alone are not sufficient, but are together sufficient. Select choice D, if each condition alone is sufficient to answer the question. Select choice E, if each condition together is not sufficient to answer the question. It is rational to expect 17 questions in Data Sufficiency. Verbal Ability Section: There are 36 questions in this section to be solved in 65 minutes. Primarily they are of 3 types: 1. Reading Comprehension: A passage is provided and a standard set of questions asked on that passage. 2. Sentence Correction: A sentence is given and a part of it is underlined. A test taker has to find out which of the five choices provided will be the best replacement for the underlined part from the point of view of grammar. 3. Critical Reasoning: There is a short passage given and a standard set of questions is asked on that passage. This section tests the critical thinking skills of the student and the student may be given choices which will strengthen or weaken the conclusions of the passage. About Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA),Argument Critique: An opinion is provided in the form of an argument topic and the student has to present a well reasoned critique of this opinion by highlighting its flaws and suggesting additional information which can make it more convincing. In other words ,it is an essay writing section. Scored on a scale of 6, details are provided in Separate page. The scores can only be accessed 3 weeks after the test, reflected in the student profile. Time:30 Minutes. INTEGRATED REASONING: Newly introduced after June 2012,this section is the first to appear on the GMAT ,it consists of tables, charts and diagrams.12 questions are asked with multiple options. Time: 30 minutes.Score:6 points(One can access the scores immediately after the test) Test Registration Fee: $250 (Subject to change without notice). Examination: Conducted through out the year at 8 different locations across India and several locations across the world.
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